Kozia GórkaKozia Górka

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Berry picking. Abundance of forest fruit.


Taste the sweetness of forest blueberries on holiday.

Blueberries ripen in the summer at the end of June. In July the forests surrounding Goat Hill are full of them. When you are on holiday in Goat Hill in the comfortable house for rent close to Leba, you have a unique possibility to see the fullness of the forest fruit.

It is worth it to go blueberry picking. Their taste and fragrance is immeasurable. But if you prefer stretching on the pier by the lake over the berry picking, you can buy them from “berry pickers” standing and selling their goods by the roads.

Taste the freshly picked berries, dripping with juice, just ready to eat them and enjoy in many ways.

A taste of pierogis with blueberries picked in Goat Hill is an unusual culinary experience. You may also bake a blueberry pie… Or on a hot day enjoy ice-cream with blueberries and whipped cream in Wisko or Leba – they are a true dainty.